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peer-reviewed Publications

(* Denotes first author, ^ Denotes Authors contributed equally)

  1. Reducing Interference Bias in Online Marketplace Experiments using Cluster Randomization: Evidence from a Pricing Meta-Experiment on Airbnb (with Felipe Lobel, Ruben Lobel, Inessa Liskovich, and Sinan Aral) Management Science (Accepted)

    • Presented at: WCBA 2019, WEBEIS 2019, HBS Digital Initiative Doctoral Student Workshop, CODE 2016, WISE 2016

    • This paper combines into one what were previously two separate papers: “Reducing Interference Bias from Online Marketplace Pricing Experiments” and “Limiting Test-Control Interference in Online Marketplace Experiments”

  2. Do Incentives to Review Help the Market? Evidence from a Field Experiment on Airbnb (with Andrey Fradkin*) Marketing Science (April 2023)

    • Presented at: ISMS Marketing Science Conference 2022, 2022 BU Questrom Platform Strategy Symposium, NBER Summer Institute 2022

    • Runner-up for Alessandro de Fiore Best Paper Award at the 2022 BU Questrom Platform Strategy Symposium

  3. Reciprocity and Unveiling in Two-Sided Reputation Systems: Evidence from an Experiment on Airbnb (with Andrey Fradkin* and Elena Grewal) Marketing Science (October, 2021)

  4. The Effects of Remote Work on Collaboration Among Information Workers (with Longqi Yang*, Sonia Jaffe, Siddharth Suri, Shilpi Sinha, Jeffrey Weston, Connor Joyce, Neha Shah, Kevin Sherman, CJ Lee, Brent Hecht, and Jaime Teevan) Nature Human Behaviour (September, 2021)

  5. Interdependent Program Evaluation: Geographic and Social Spillovers in COVID-19 Closures and Reopenings in the U.S. (with Michael Zhao* and Sinan Aral) Science Advances (July, 2021)

  6. Interdependence and the Cost of Uncoordinated Responses to COVID-19 (with Michael Zhao^, Seth G. Benzell, Cathy Cao, M. Amin Rahimian, Jeremy Yang, Jennifer Allen, Avinash Collis, Alex Moehring, Tara Sowrirajan, Dipayan Ghosh, Yunhao Zhang, Paramveer Dhillon, Christos Nicolaides, Dean Eckles, and Sinan Aral) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (August, 2020)

Published Conference proceedings

  1. How Much Do Platform Workers Value Reviews? An Experimental Method (with Liane Scult and Siddharth Suri), CHI '22: Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New Orleans, LA.

  2. The Engagement-Diversity Connection: Evidence From a Field Experiment on Spotify (with Benjamin Carterette, Praveen Chandar, Zahra Nazari, Henriette Cramer, and Sinan Aral), Proceedings of the Twenty-first ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, Virtual Conference.

  3. Social Structure and Trust in Massive Digital Markets (with Diana Lynn MacLean and Sinan Aral), Proceedings of the 38th Annual International Conference on Information Systems. Seoul, South Korea.

  4. Bias and Reciprocity in Online Reviews: Evidence from Field Experiments on Airbnb (with Andrey Fradkin*, Elena Grewal, and Matthew Pearson), Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, Portland, OR.

Other Publications

  1. Want Your Company to Get Better at Experimentation? (with Iavor Bojinov*, Ramesh Johar, Sven Schmit, and Martin Tingley) Harvard Business Review. (January-February Issue, 2025)

  2. The Future of Information Work (with Longqi Yang*, Sonia Jaffe, and Siddharth Suri) Communications of the ACM, 65(7), p. 27-29. (June, 2022)

  3. Spillover Effects in Online Field Experiments: Opportunities and Challenges (with Ozan Candogan, Tracy Xiao Liu, Meng Xu, and Yuan Yuan) The 17th Conference on Web and Internet Economics. (December, 2021)

  4. Tit for Tat? The Difficulty of Designing Two-Sided Reputation Systems (with Andrey Fradkin) NIM Marketing Intelligence Review, 12(2), p. 34-39. (November, 2020)

Working Papers

  1. The Uneven Impact of Generative AI on Entrepreneurial Performance (with Nicholas G. Otis, Rowan Clarke, Solene Delecourt, and Rem Koning)

    1. Revise and Resubmit at Management Science

    2. Presented at: Duke Strategy Research Conference 2024, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2024, Navigating the New Frontier: The Political and Economic Implications of AI, Advances with Field Experiments Conference 2024, NBER Digital Economics and AI Meeting (Spring 2024), CMU Tepper Business Technologies Seminar, Virtual Quantitative Marketing Seminar (Spring 2024), UPenn Wharton AI/ML Seminar Series, Microsoft AI, Cognition, and the Economy Fall 2023 Workshop

    3. First Prize, Wharton People Analytics White Paper Competition (2024)

    4. AOM STR Division Best Paper Award in Industry, Competition, and Strategic Entrepreneurship (2024)

    5. Second Place, SMS Annual Conference Best Paper Prize Competition (2024)

    6. Nominated for the AOM Carolyn Dexter Award by the STR Division (2024)

    7. Media Coverage: VoxDev (Podcast), Berkeley Haas News, Charter, Forbes India

  2. The Engagement-Diversity Connection: Evidence From A Field Experiment on Spotify (with Benjamin Carterette, Praveen Chandar, Zahra Nazari, Henriette Cramer, and Sinan Aral)

  3. Reducing Symbiosis Bias Through Better A/B Tests of Recommendation Algorithms (with Jennifer Brennan^, Yiwei Yu, Yahu Cong, Lina Lin, Yajun Peng, Changping Meng, Ningren (Peter) Han, and Jean Pouget-Abadie)

    1. Presented at: SCECR 2024, CODE 2023

  4. As Generative Models Improve, People Adapt Their Prompts (with Eaman Jahani^, Benjamin S. Manning, Joe Zhang, Hong-Yi TuYe, Mohammed Alsobay, Christos Nicolaides, and Siddharth Suri)

  5. Can Social Networks Substitute for Reputation Systems? Evidence from a Large Scale Experiment (with P. Alex Dow and Sinan Aral)

Other Research (pre-phd)

  1. A study of the trace 39Ar content in argon from deep underground sources (with Jingke Xu*, Frank Calaprice, Cristiano Galbiati, and 14 others) Astroparticle Physics, 66: 53-60 (2015)
  2. The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Cosmological parameters from three seasons of data (with Jonathan L. Sievers*, Renée Hložek, Michael Nolta, and 99 others) The Journal of Cosmological and Astroparticle Physics, 2013 (10), p.060 (2013)
  3. The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: cosmology from galaxy clusters detected via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (with Neelima Sehgal*, Hy Trac, Viviana Acquaviva, and 65 others) The Astrophysical Journal, 732 (1), p. 44 (2011)


  1. Enhancing Remote Work Productivity Data (with Longqi Yang, Sonia Patricia Jaffe, Siddharth Suri, Shilpi Sinha, Jeffrey Michael Weston, Connor Michael Joyce, Neha Parikh Shah, Kevin Scott Sherman, Chia-Jung Lee, Brent Jaron Hecht, and Jaime Teevan) US 2022/0036265 A1 (2022)

  2. Demand Prediction for Time Time-Expiring Inventory (with Bar Ifrach, Yangli Hector Yee, and Li Zhang), US 10,664,855 B2 (2020)

  3. Host Standards For Providing Listings (with Lenny Rachitsky, Martin Anh Dung Nguyen Vaughn Quoss, Daniel Nathan HIll, James Allen Ostrowski, II, and Nelson Aurel Gauthier), US 10,614,385 B2 (2020)